The most common notable difference between HDL and LDL is that one is the “good cholesterol” (HDL) and the other is “bad cholesterol” (LDL). HDL stands for high-density lipoprotein and as expected LDL is low-density lipoprotein.
HDL and LDL are part of your total cholesterol which indicates how much plague formation you have in your blood vessels which can lead to cardiovascular outcomes if they become too narrow.
High-density lipoprotein and low-density lipoprotein carry cholesterol to the body’s cells from the bloodstream. The typical normal range of LDL is anything less than 100 and HDL, you want to be above 55 for females and 45 for males.
The mechanism by which HDL is the good cholesterol is because it can eliminate some of the plague build-up in your arteries and is eliminated through your liver there-by protecting you from arteriosclerotic cardiovascular disease in the future.
LDL does the opposite. It brings the cholesterol into your arteries forming those plague depositions in your arterial wall which can cut off your blood supply if it continues to develop over time.
Some ways to appropriately manage these values are to adopt a more heart healthy lifestyle consistent with low trans and saturated fats (fast foods, processed foods, foods that have been manufactured) and higher in healthy fats (avocados, all nuts and seeds, coconut oil) and adopt a normal exercise regimen.
If you are someone that has high cholesterol, heart disease, or history of stroke and unable to take a statin, you may be eligible for a trial that we are doing. Contact us at THIS LINK to learn more and we will be in touch asap.

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